
Used newspapers required

Fruitseller in Panaji, Goa looking for suppliers of used newspapers for wrapping fruits
Can pay in kind in the form of fruits of an equivalent amount
Rate offered: Rs 8/kg
For address of fruit seller please send an email to info@textads.in
Second hand books required by other buyers also

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Blender for making recycled paper

One of the methods for making recycled paper available online has the following steps,
tear waste paper into small pieces
using a blender a to make a slurry of the waste paper
pouring the slurry on a fine wire mesh so that all the water is drained and only recycled paper is remaining

The mixer, blender jar which will be used for making slurry cannot be used for other applications like food preparation, so the cheapest model is recommended

The cheapest mixer grinder available online is the Pigeon 550 W mixer grinder with 3 jars. It operated satisfactorily without any load, now it has to be tested with a load.

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