Domain investor not allowed to even grow plants in recycled pots
To cover up their BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUD for the last 6 years, panaji top gujju fraudster family of SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan are ruthless in harassing and defaming the domain investor on whom they have committed the fraud
They are not even allowing her to grow any plants in pots
Since cbi/raw are paying the gujju fraudster family a monthly salary only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS the gujju fraudster family is spending all their time looking for ways to harass and defame the victim of their endless frauds, especially BANKING FRAUD
During the monsoon they are monitoring the water level in each pot, especially recycled and complaining to all the people in the area, if even a small amount of water remains in the pot
If it rains heavily, it is natural for water to accumulate in the pots, and the rate of evaporation varies depending on the soil. yet the gujju fraudster family is so ruthless in harassing the victim of their endless frauds, that they are telling everyone in the locality, falsely claiming that water accumulated for a day will cause dengue
Gujju fraudster family of SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee naina chandan harass domain investor for recycling
Though they are involved in real estate, banking, paypal FRAUD for the last 6 years, the google, tata sponsored Gujju fraudster family of SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, face no social censure in panaji, goa
on the other hand, everyone appears to be listening and believing in the LIES of the panaji gujju fraudster family, especially the section 420 FRAUD gujju brothers karan, nikhil who CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer on whom the gujju FRAUDSTERS have committed a BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUD for the last 6 years with the help of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi
The domain investor is keeping some used plastic bottles, newspapers in the house, for storage, so that she can use it at a later date for blocking the pests who are coming in the house, especially the rats
The LAZY LIAR panaji FRAUDSTER brothers karan, nikhil do not want to spend any time doing writing work or improve their writing skills so that they can provide services to customers outside india
instead they rely on their fair skinned SCHOOL DROPOUT mother cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, to seduce some of the most powerful men like parekh, nikhil sha, parmar in India with her SEX skills and make them completely addicted to her sex services. After these top officials become addicted to sex with naina they are willing to break all rules, abuse their powers to make up false stories to defame the domain investor and make fake claims about the investment, writing skills of their sex service provider naina, and her sons
SEX with panaji gujju sex queen naina is more addictive than the most powerful drug on earth for the most powerful men in India, so whenever the engineer is keeping some used items in the house, the sex addicts especially parekh, are spreading false rumors about the junk that is being kept and also duping people about the writing skills of the sex service provider’s sons
Everytime anything is kept in the house, it is rummaged, indicating the extent of the harassment and criminal defamation by parekh and other lovers of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan
After Margao, Panaji waste disposal problems reported
In Goa there is a lot of waste of resources, from fruits from trees going waste, to experienced engineers from top colleges having no paid work in goa because of atrocities of corrupt greedy LIAR local intelligence and security agencies DUPING companies, countries and people that a kolhapur born sindhi school DROPOUT housewife naina premchandani illegally married at 16,. eighth standard pass is an experienced engineer.
When these hardworking engineers like the 1989 jee goa topper get some work from customers outside india, the LIAR goan intelligence and security agency employees falsely claim that her paypal, bank account belongs to the lazy greedy google, tata supplied slim goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan., siddhi mandrekar, robber riddhi nayak, school dropout naina chandan, and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees to get all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work at all at the expense of the engineer who is criminally defamed.
After the Margao waste disposal problems were widely reported in the mainstream media, with dustbins overflowing for a few days, the media reported that the Panaji CCP was also facing a problem of waste disposal.
The waste from panaji is sent to the waste disposal plant at Saligao, and they have stopped accepting all the waste from Panaji.
So now the government is planning to open a new waste disposal facility to complement the existing waste disposal plant at Patto, Panaji. Instead of wasting money on waste disposal, the goan government should focus on using the waste generated to make money like in other states.
It should also penalize homes which generate a large amount of waste, like the gujju role model school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, so that they do not have to spend much money on waste disposal. This will encourage people to generate less waste, either they will recycle, or sell the waste to the scrap dealer for money.
Sonsoddo garbage dump fire causes pollution in Margao
In goa, hardwork, experience, skills , innovation, honesty are not valued with the goan government falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan call girl raw employees slim bhandari sunaina chodan who looks like actress mallike sherawat, siddhi mandrekar,school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, mother of two sons, goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, and other frauds who have not studied engineering, are experienced engineers from top colleges.
When the government and society falsely claims that frauds faking engineering degrees have experience to give them great powers, monthly salaries it results in many problems. In 2019, there were no rains in May, due to which there was a major fire in Sonsoddo garbage dump in Margao. this caused a lot of pollution and people in the area, found it difficult to live in their homes. The school in the vicinity of the dump also postponed its opening .
This is because of the extremely inefficient waste management practices in goa, people are encouraged to dump the maximum amount of garbage outside the house, instead of recycling and upcycling it. For example in Mumbai, all the wine, liquor bottles are resold at a very high price to the scrap dealer, in goa, no one is paying any money for glass bottles,everything is littering the roads.
People who keep any item in their house for upcycling or recycling are often subjected to identity theft, especially in panaji goa.
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A Great Vacation to Remember
No matter hectic things get in life, you should have time to relax and unwind. My life for the past couple of years have been hectic. As a television producer, my job always require me to work long hours. I had the same routine over and over again. I would work, eat, and sleep in the same order. My life was pretty crazy. It also took a toll on my health. I was suffering from stress. I needed a vacation. Earlier, I installed cctv systems into my home to keep an eye out for intruders. Little did I know, I would be putting them to good use soon.
One day, I felt really tired and sore. I had a bad headache. I went to the doctor and he told me that I was suffering from stress. He recommended that I relax so that my body and mind can recharge. Read the rest of this entry »
Plants growing well in used icecream cups
Squirrels, crows and sparrows play havoc and destroy plants very quickly especially if they are put in pots on the ground
So growing plants in hanging containers, is a safe way to ensure that pests do not attack them.
Most hanging pots are large in size, and are also expensive.
So the domain investor is using a number of used ice cream cups to grow plants hanging on the verandah
Many plants are growing well in the ice cream cups in the last few months.
Anyone interested in plants grown in icecream cups can contact on skype:
Waste treatment facility in panaji, polluting environment according to media report
In most states of india, engineers with a good JEE rank are treated with respect, their advice valued, however in panaji, goa, bribed by google, tata, the local intelligence and security are openly involved in identity theft of harmless women engineers with good JEE rank, and falsely claim google, tata sponsored goan call girls, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE have the impressive resume, savings of the engineer
The local intelligence and security agencies think that by repeating lies, their favorite call girls, school dropouts and other frauds will become experienced engineers overnight, when it does not change the competence levels of these google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who are given great powers, yet are incompetent to solve any problems. The newspapers reported that the waste treatment plant in panaji was generating a lot of compost, yet though it was priced at only Rs 10 a kg, CCP was unable to sell it, and was running out of space at its facility. Lack of proper marketing was considered the reason why it was not being sold.
The newspaper also reported that the conditions at the waste treatment plant were extremely unhygienic, due to poor management of the facilities. Many people require a lot of mud and material for container gardening, growing plants in their pots. Instead of falsely claiming that those who grow plants in pots are spreading dengue, ccp should try selling the compost to these gardeners.
Many websites are selling compost, soil for Rs 60 per kilo, and people will purchase soil for Rs 10 or less. The domain investor recently paid Rs 20 or more for manure in panaji. Yet the officials in panaji are so busy hounding amateurs gardeners for keeping pots in their house and terrace, that they are losing the oppportunity to sell the compost generated, clogging their waste treatment facilities
Used newspapers for making tables
Broke domain investor does not have much money to pay for new furniture due to NTRO identity theft since 2010
So if she requires a flat surface for writing purposes, she is forced to use a pile of newspapers as a table
In goa, the second hand newspapers are sold only for Rs 7 or Rs 8 per kilo
On the other hand, a new small table will cost at least Rs 300.
So the old newspapers are good for making tables and small furniture items
Volume of newspaper,leaf mulch declines after some time
People are always asking why newspapers, leaf is kept in the house, however it it a fact that the volume of the newspaper, leaf mulch is declining to a very great extent after a few months. Though this a very good type of mulch for a pot, and has good water retention, it is breaking down very quickly
Initially all the pots are fully filled with the leaf mulch
It is observed that the volume of the the mulch is reducing to half or less in 3-6 months, So a huge amount of leaf and newspaper mulch is required.
The amount of leaf mulch is limited by the trees and plants which are growing in the land, so newspaper mulch is required in large quantities for filling the pots
The newspaper are also required for keeping below the pots.
Indian, goan officials have a very unprofessional approach to managing non degradable waste, bottles
Most countries are very professional in dealing with non degradable waste like bottles, encourage people to recycle to the maximum extent possible, For example the media reported that Turkey organization was paying people for their empty PET bottles and other waste, so that it could be recycled properly instead of littering the roads and public places.
However in India, the officials are extremely intolerant and refuse to acknowledge that every person has the right to recycle whatever they have purchased, instead criticizing the person for not keeping their home spic and span, subjecting them to identity theft
When other countries have used bottles for sale schemes, why are goan officials not willing to acknowledge the fact that used bottles, containers can be recycled
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