Usually people with less money, can purchase expensive items only occassionally and make them last for a very long time, sometimes decades. On the other hand , those with lot of money are able to discard their older items fairly often, and purchase the newest items and models. Looking at the junk from a particular household is an indication of the wealth or lack of wealth in the home. So in posh areas, many new or almost new items are discarded in the waste regularly.
For example almost new toys and furniture are often junked by people with a lot of money. In one posh residential area, in panaji, goa someone had discard a pair of brand new jeans at the entrance of the area , dumping it in the footpath along with other waste around 14 March 2017. The jeans would have cost at least Rs 500 each. In families with limited funds, old cloth is used for wiping and other purposes, it is not discarded. Only after a few weeks, some scrap collectors appear to have taken away the jeans.